One word is worth a thousand pictures
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Small typo sparks big debate about unhealthy body ideals in our society – and has proven a strong concept that continues to give rise to important discussions about diversity.
Muskelsvindfonden (The Muscular Dystrophy Foundation) asked us to help communicate a simple but extremely important message: our society should have room for everyone, regardless of how they look.
The campaign had to go beyond muscular dystrophy and address the culture of perfection, which permeates all aspects of our society, without pointing fingers.
To put perfection on the agenda, we decided to redefine the word itself with a small but well-placed typo. The message was clear: nobody is perfect – and that’s perfectly fine.
The misspelled word was accompanied by purposefully imperfect typography. Hoodies, bags, and t-shirts helped get the message out.
“Pærfekt” was first launched in 2019 at the Danish democracy festival, Folkemødet with a “Gin and Croquis” event. Here, guests had the chance to draw perfectly imperfect naked people while enjoying gin distilled using discarded botanicals like crooked cucumbers. Since then, ”Pærfekt” and the “Gin and Croquis” event have moved on to Nørrebro Theater in Copenhagen where it’s taking the stage on four evenings in the 23/24 season.